Jumping Into 2019

My great boss, friend, and mentor, Bill Grant gifted me a speed rope over the holidays. The rope is used for aerobic training to perform double unders, an exercise that can be used as the perfect metaphor for life.

A double under is similar to normal skipping, except you must pass the rope under your feet twice for every single jump. Sounds and looks simple enough until you try it for the first time. As in life, there are many variables that go into smoothly achieving this conditioning exercise.

The jump rope is a tool much like our body. It comes in many variations. Handle style, cable thickness, weight and length of the rope all contribute to optimized performance. In life, we are born with varying body builds and a range of mental fortitude that allows us to overcome challenges.

Using the arms and legs in sync with each other is critical to accomplishing consecutive double unders. A pace is maintained through proper posture, the height of the jump, position and speed of the wrists. All of these synchronized together contribute to overall harmony and success. In life, we move at our own pace, pursuing goals and seeking aspirations that drive lifestyle. The mix of living with your soul mate, raising families and establishing work/life balance can dictate pace, happiness, and harmony.

Depending on the intensity of the workout, how the body feels/reacts and where the double unders are performed within a workout can impact success on any given day. Although a few rotations can be accomplished with determination, consistency requires focus and precise habit. We are all born with specific natural skills and abilities. Our capacity to recognize these traits and hone them propels us forward with confidence, success, and grace in life. I can't wait to use the new speed rope and look forward to jumping into 2019 with a renewed focus to meet the challenges and create successful accomplishments.